OF The
Senate OF mICHIGAN tECHNOLOGical university

25 May 1982

(Senate Minute pages: 2049-2106)

President A. Pintar called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m., on May 5, 1982 in the Faculty Lounge of the Memorial Union.

Roll: Twenty six members/alternates were present. Absent were: Adams (IWR); Bates (CH/CE); Johnson (IMR); Rupley (Aerospace);.Smith (MY); Stein (President); Kaufman (Stud. Council); and Drutowski (Grad. Student Council).

Recognition of Visitors: The following visitors were officially recognized: Dr. Fulwiler, Dr. Young, Dr. Freisinger, G. McCulley all of Humanities; Dean Powers, Science and Arts; Dr. Paul Nelson, Business.

Minutes of Previous Meeting - The minutes of meeting number 123 were approved as written.

President's Report:

President Pintar reported that President Stein had approved Proposal 4-82, Commitment to Develop a Master of Science in Operations Management Degree Program on April 22, 1982. Proposals 3-82 and 4-82 are still pending. President Pintar clarified a question which arose following meeting 123 regarding Senate voting procedures. Adoption of a proposal requires a majority vote of those senators present; therefore, an abstention is the equivalent of voting against the proposal. He stated that he had been remiss in not voting and wishes to go officially on record as having supported those proposals passed to date.

President Pintar also commented regarding requests to withdraw a report presented at the previous meeting prior to publication of the minutes. The request was denied since to do so would distort the official records of the Senate. The dates of the Senate meetings for school year 1982-83 are:

September 22, 1982
November 3, 1982
December 15, 1982
February 9, 1983
March 30, 1983
May 4, 1983

President Pintar asked for volunteers to Chair the Senate Elections Committee. There were none during the meeting; however, Senator Crowther volunteered following adjournment and was so appointed. For additional details see pages 2112-2114 (Available by Request from the Senate Office).

President Pintar also presented a report on the April 13, 1982 meeting of the Academic Council since he attended rather than Vice President Crowther. Subjects discussed at the meeting included:

  1. Residency requirements for graduation
  2. Senior Receptions
  3. Progress of the Task Force on Promotion and Tenure
  4. Visiting Research Scholar Program
  5. Use of part-time/temporary faculty
  6. University accident insurance coverage for graduate students injured in research

See pages 2115-2116 (Available by Request from the Senate Office).

Vice President's Report - No Report.

Committee Reports

A. Curricular Policy

Senator Agin stated that three major topics had been discussed since the last meeting: Proposal 6-82 Freshman English, a proposed change in advanced placement policy, HU 101-103 series, and Proposal 7-82 Commitment to Develop a Master of Science in Mineral Economics Degree Program. See pages 2117-2119 (Available by Request from the Senate Office). All of these topics are addressed under old or new business. The Humanities Department was offered the opportunity to submit a written report in response to Proposal 6-82 and elected to do so. See pages 2120-2127 (Available by Request from the Senate Office).

B. Instructional Policy - No Report.

C. Institutional Evaluation

Senator Beske-Diehl as new chairperson stated that currently the committee had no charge from the Senate. She did raise for consideration a proposal to review what other university senates are doing in an attempt to assess those actions which could be taken to strengthen the MTU Faculty Senate. President Pintar charged the Institutional Evaluation Committee with the task.

Senator Crowther proposed that Professor Hauge be officially recognized for his outstanding efforts in the study of faculty opinions (pages 2012-2025 - Available by Request from the Senate Office). The question was raised regarding the results of the study and whether any proposals were being considered based on the analysis. Since the study tested faculty reaction to department chairpersons rather than department heads, it was suggested that a follow-up review be conducted since several departments had implemented the approach. No formal tasking was made by the Senate President. A request for new members was made to replace losses on the committee.

D. Promotional Policy and Professional Standards and Development

There was no report. The committee is waiting for the Task Force report. Senator Suryanarayana reported three resignations from his committee and requested replacements. Action was deferred until the September meeting when the new Senators will be available.

*E. Ad Hoc Task Force on Promotion and Tenure

A report on tenure is pretty much in final form. It is unknown when the report will be distributed. There will be 10 days to review the documented procedures before they are presented to a general faculty meeting. When distributed the report will reflect the current faculty handbook information on the left. On the right hand side are the proposed changes. Senator Tampas addressed 14 key points which will be addressed in the final report and some discussion ensued. A question was raised regarding options available to full-time untenured faculty members of the University throughout academic year 1981-82. It was explained that the proposal contained an option to elect to remain under the current tenure policy of May 20,1977 or the new policy. See recent reports pages 2128 and 2129 (Available by Request from the Senate Office).

F. Elections

Senator Givens reported the results of some elections based on ballots sent to the faculty.

  1. Senators-at-Large: Linda Belote (Social Sciences); and Terrel Warrington (Ch/Chem. Engrg).
  2. University Tenure Committee: June Hawthorne (Library)
  3. New Senators/Alternates: Janke/Bagley (Bio. Sci); Miller/Luehrs (Chem/CE); L. Ottenstein/P. Boutilier (Math/Comp. Sci.); Schwartz/Stuffle (EE); Asplund/Allen (AROTC).

Nominations were made to provide three nominees for a vacancy on the University Athletic Council. President Stein will select the individual from the nominees. Those elected by the Senate were: Phyllis Boutilier, Dave Halkola, and Robert Stebler.

G. Budget Committee - No Report.

H. Joint Committee on Relations Between the Senate and Faculty Association - No Report.

I. Faculty Fringe Benefits - No Report.

J. Committee on Committees

There was no report. A question was raised regarding the intent of the committee since there has been no reported action during the year. The committee was discharged by President Pintar and the duties of the committee were transferred to the Institutional Evaluation Committee.

K. Senate Handbook - Senator Rivard reported that the review would be completed prior to his departure.

L. Faculty Handbook - No Report.

*M. Ad Hoc Bookstore Committee

The committee is preparing its final report which should be completed before the end of the quarter.

*N. Ad Hoc University Committee on Surveying

A copy of the final report is contained at pages 2130-2140 (Available by Request from the Senate Office). The report was accepted by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the committee terminated on 2141.

*Indicates a non-Senate committee reporting to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. These committees contain Senate representation and accordingly reports are presented for inclusion of the minutes.

Old Business

A. Proposal 6-82, Freshman English

Senator Agin requested that the proposal be referred back to committee until the second regular meeting of the 1982-83 school year. Senator Lockhart requested that visitors from the Department of Humanities connected with the English program be permitted to speak to the question. After considerable debate the question to refer the proposal back to committee was put to a vote and defeated. Senator Agin then recommended adoption of Proposal 6-82. The proposal was defeated by a vote of 11 for and 12 against.

B. Thirteenth Annual Report to the Faculty

The report was distributed with the minutes of the last meeting, pages 2072-2088 (Available by Request from the Senate Office). It was moved that the report be accepted and the motion carried.

C. Nursing Program

Senator Frisk expressed appreciation on behalf of the Department and to those who had supported the program in the past.

New Business

A. Proposal 7-82, Commitment to Develop a Master of Science in Minerals Economics Degree Program

Senator Agin moved for adoption of the proposal. Dr. Alexander outlined the program and answered questions raised by the members of the Senate. The proposal was recommended for adoption by the Senate.

B. Resolution: Change in Advanced Placement Policy: HU101-103

With regard to Roman Number II of the Curricular Policy Committee Report, page 2117 (Available by Request from the Senate Office), Senator Agin proposed the following resolution:

"Be it resolved that the Senate of Michigan Technological University endorses the recommendations of the Senate Curricular Policy Committee that the change in advanced placement policy requested by the Humanities Department be approved."

The proposed revision of the advanced placement policy for Freshman English is at page 2119 (Available by Request from the Senate Office). The motion carried.

C. Resolution of Tribute to John J. MacInnes

Senator Gappy moved for the adoption of the Resolution of Tribute to John J. MacInnes, retiring hockey coach at MTU. The resolution is contained at page 2142 (Available by Request from the Senate Office). The motion carried. President Pintar requested that the University have the tribute mounted on a suitable plaque for presentation at the appropriate time.

D. Interim Appointments

Interim appointments are required for two positions, chairperson of the Senate Elections Committee and Senate Secretary. There were no volunteers before the meeting was adjourned; however, Senator Crowthers volunteered to serve as the Chairman of the Elections Committee after the meeting and was so appointed by President Pintar.

E. President Pintar, on behalf of the Senate expressed appreciation for the past efforts of those Senators whose term of office will expire during the summer.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.